Our website now focuses entirely on shirts for men. We are still making female shirts for existing customers so if you would like to place an order, please get in touch.

About ShirtbyHand

ShirtbyHand offers the attention to detail and unique customisation of a traditional tailor with the convenience and value of an online shop.

About us
At ShirtbyHand, we challenge the traditional model of made-to-measure tailoring. We offer a personal service to people who value quality, style, convenience, and attention to detail.

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We believe the perfect shirt should always be a click away. Whether you’re a business professional looking for the most convenient shopping destination or a menswear enthusiast in search of the latest styles, we’ve got you covered. Once we’ve registered your measurements, designing the shirt that suits your lifestyle and fit is only a matter of a moment.
About Our Tailors
The ShirtbyHand Production Company, our own facility in Hanoi, Vietnam, exclusively produces shirts for ShirtbyHand. With pleasant working conditions and a waste-minimising production process, we care as much for our staff and our environment as we do for our clients.

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We consider it essential that our entire production team and process are in safe hands. That’s why together with a local partner we have our own factory in Vietnam – where we sustain pleasant working conditions, modern equipment, a fair salary for all 60 employees, and a waste-reducing manufacturing practice. Transparency is key at all times.
Factory Shirt by Hand
Your first ShirtbyHand shirt is not just a purchase, it's the start of a relationship.
About ShirtbyHand
Our business model with no high street shops keeps our overheads down, enabling us to offer a premium product and a personal service at an incredible price.

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As good is never good enough, we constantly search for ways to innovate and improve our products and services. All of our shirts are made from the finest fabrics and constructed just for you. In addition, our curated style selection makes shopping a quick and effortless experience.